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Words Matter: A note from our Chief Executive Officer.

Core values, the upcoming election, and the power of words.

Colleagues, partners, friends;

May this note find you healthy and well! With all of the chaos in the world today, it’s important that we do what we can to help each other cut through the noise; that we communicate openly, honestly, and directly with one another on the important issues of the day. Here at TitleTown Publishing, we strive to lead by example and contribute positively to that endeavor.

One of our fundamental beliefs is that ‘words matter.’ What we say and, perhaps more importantly, how we say it, matters. As a publisher that prides itself on producing content that is not only engaging but also inspiring and authentic, it’s vitally important that we recognize the awesome responsibly we have to use our words for good. Our words have the power to bring hope and faith to a time and place that is in desperate need of both. Our ‘words matter.’

With some sixteen weeks until the November 3rd election, we’re all seeing just how impactful words can be. And although we can’t control what candidates and campaigns say or how they say it, we can control the contributions that we make to the overall conversation. As we make our voices heard, we must have an appreciation for the fact that what we say not only represents our individual positions, but it reflects on the team as a whole. Knowing this, I wanted to outline a few of our core values:

  • We’re an organization founded on, and guided by, the example of Jesus Christ. We’re on a mission to more fully love God, and love neighbor; to be Christ to and for others. We don’t always live up to this standard, but we always aspire to it.

  • We recognize and respect the human dignity of all people, especially those who are on the margins.

  • We believe that everyone has a story worth telling and that every voice deserves to be heard.

  • And, just in case you missed it, we very strongly believe that ‘words matter.’

With those values in mind, and for the benefit of our teammates, authors, suppliers, manufacturing and distribution partners, retailers, friends, and readers, I wanted to lay out a few expectations that I have going forward (this is especially important given the political climate):

  • I encourage you to advocate and vote for the candidates, causes, and policies you believe in. I invite you to share your thoughts and feelings with others – on social media and in real life – but ask that you use your words to build up what you believe in and not to belittle other points of view.

  • Please THINK before you speak/share/post. Is your contribution: True, Helpful, Important, Necessary, and Kind?

  • Remember that, given some of your positions, your words may be interpreted as our words (TTP). Especially in these instances, please THINK.

  • Choose to focus your time and energy on the things in your work/life that are 1) positive and/or 2) within your power to control. Everything else…let GOd.

  • Find the time to reach out to every educator you know and thank them for their commitment to our children. Pray for them, their families, their students, and their safety.

  • Pick up your dog’s poop when you take your pet on a walk. (This isn’t something that bothers me, personally, but it seems like a lot of people have an issue with it…so we’ll just go ahead and add it to the list.)

On behalf of Tracy and everyone on Team TitleTown, know that we value our relationship with you and appreciate you taking the time to read this message. Thank you in advance for working with us to help raise the bar of public discourse and call attention to the power of words. We hope everyone is enjoying their summer and time with family and friends. Please pray for us, as we pray for you!

Your friend on the journey,


Gracious and loving God, thank you for the gift of your Word made flesh in Christ Jesus. We pray that, just as you spoke the world into being, you might continue to speak your words of love and truth and mercy and grace to us, this day. We pray, too, for the openness to receive these words into our hearts and minds, and the courage to share them with others. In a special way, we pray for the voiceless in our society; the poor and the homeless, immigrants, refugees, prisoners, the oppressed; that they might know Christ spoke for all of us on the cross, and His promise continues to speak on our behalf, today.

In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

Holy Father St. Norbert, pray for us.


TitleTown Publishing

PO Box 12093

Green Bay, WI 54307


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