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Kindness in a Scary World

How does a parent explain senseless mass violence to a child who is just old enough to be aware that the world has become an unpredictable and frightening place? Kindness In A Scary World is a story about a family that watches news coverage of a terrorist attack and the family's reaction to the event. The child questions why the attack happened and whether their family is safe. The parents honestly answer their child's many questions about the attack and help reduce their child's fear by focusing on positive ways the child can contribute to society. This ground-breaking first in children's literature is a must-have for anyone with young children in their lives, written by a therapist who has focused on healing traumatized children and families for two decades. 

About the Author

Rebecca J. Hubbard is a master's level children's, family and marriage therapist with a focus on helping those who have experienced traumatic events. She has been working to heal people for more than 22 years and currently works through Williamson County Children's Advocacy Center in Georgetown, Texas. Rebecca is also the founder of a private practice using Natural Lifemanship, a trauma-focused psychotherapy model utilizing horses.

Becca Johnson is a freelancing Illustrator and graphic designer, working professionally since 2015. Recently, graduated from Huntington University with a Bachelor of Science in Digital Media Arts - Animation. Becca Johnson is now living in Bloomington, IN and continuing her freelancing career.

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